Favourite of the Week

Favourite of the Week

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

End of Euro tour

Sorry for the long break in between all of my posting. I wasn't very motivated to do my blog when I got back from Tour and since then I've just never really got around to it. Since I met up with Mom and Dad and we have travelled to Italy, Dad has been pushing me to finish up my tour blog and do another one to end it off. I'm only going to do a couple pictures from each city that I went to (Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Venice and Rome) otherwise I'll be writing the entire day.








Sorry the internet is slow so just trying to get this post out of the way. It was a very good trip and I had a lot of fun. Made a lot of memories. Keep up with my adventures in Switzerland

Monday, 20 April 2015


Hey Everyone!

So I said in my last post that I'd try during my tour to do a blog post. I got up an hour earlier to write this so I hope you all enjoy. So far we've been to Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Bratislava and Vienna. Our first half ended in Vienna and I'm sad to say four people left us, but five joined up for the last part of our tour. Our last part is Vienna, Budapest, Venice and Rome. I'm so excited for the next part but I have to do pictures of Paris first. Ill try to get Brussels and Amsterdam done tonight and then Berlin and Prague tomorrow maybe.

Me leaving

Orientation with Raphael

Grace (Aussie) pretending to be a bus driver

Our first real view of paris walking to the Notre Dame

First Glimpse

Kinsey my "step mom" taking tourist photos

Emily, Natalie and Rachael (USA)s

Emily again

Madelyn and Jocelyn (USA)

Santiago and Lindsey being cute (Ecuador and Hawaii)

Me and my Newbie Kat

Juliett (Aussie)

Santiago (Ecuador)

Love lock bridge

Eiffel tower

Me and Santi

Just me

Where I found out I probably should not go up towers.

View from the top

Madelyn looking photogenic

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