Sorry for the two week delay on my blog everyone! Three weeks ago I was sick and slept most of the week. Two weeks ago I didn't do much and last weekend I saw the Matterhorn with 111 other exchange students.
So my sick week was pretty boring, I started watching more TV in german and I've started reading children short stories. If I wasn't doing either of these things I was sleeping and eating. I couldn't go to school or my workouts and was just very lazy. Hence no blog post.
My next week I got better and went to two workouts and school. I fully understand what people say to me now but if I don't know the subject or the subject is too advanced for me Im lost. Still though it is an improvement on not understanding anything and staring at the teacher. My english class here makes me feel dumb because I always forget to use "proper grammar" (everyone here learns british english). My french lessons are good and I learn a lot. But I always look forward to Sporthall (gym), BG (art) and music. These are the classes you can talk more freely and that I'm good at. I'm now able to joke and debate and voice my opinion to my classmates so in other words I can actually get to know them and they can get to know me.
My workouts are also getting better. Im back to my old strength but they all have got so much endurance its like they're machines. Swimming is always good and so is the weight lifting but I always feel like I'm dying on the runs (always over 10km).
Last week I got better Thomas my second oldest host sibling and I went to Germany for Sushi. I always love when I get one on one time with everyone in the family and Tommy is a really good talker and story teller. In January he's going to Russia with his University for four months and comes back right before I leave. He's built like a football player (our football not soccer) he's somewhere around 6'3 and well built. He's a vegetarian so we talked about that for a while and then his childhood and mine. I had a lot of fun and we play Wii every night now (he still hasn't managed to beat me).
Last weekend I went to the Matterhorn with the other rotary exchange students. (If you need a restroom or snack break take it now this will be long).
Sadly not all of us could go. We were down about 10-15. Some were sick. Some had other plans before hand. One of us had a charity thing he does every year. And finally and worst of all one of us had to go back to America. Her name is Charlotte and she's an amazing young woman, her mom was in an accident and she went home to be with her. Sadly her mother passed away the Saturday of last weekend. I can't even imagine what that would be like and its a terrible thing.
On saturday morning at ten to 8 I got on the train with my lovely oldie Zeni
And a stop later we met Matt, he's the farthest out Zeni and I are the second and third farthest out. We had to travel about 4 and a half hours. An hour into the train ride we got to Zurich where everyone would be meeting. We had our own car. It was basically a huge party for 2 hours until Bern where we were met by everyone else (and my new favourites the Frenchies). From Bern to Visp took us another hour and then Visp to Zermat was another 40 minutes. When we arrived we went to the Hostel we'd be staying at and dropped off our stuff. (On the way we all stopped and stared at the Matt. I jumped in way too many pictures)
(me, Ollie from Australia, Jocelyn from Vermont and Madelyn from Arkansas)
(They are all from the french half and my new Best friends)
We then did a scavenger hunt thing that nobody understood that took two hours. (They sent 111 15-18 year olds through a village where you could see the Matterhorn to find 10 clues in 3 different languages...). We then hung out talked and had snowball fights until it was dinner.
(Me right before the argentians I'd been snow ball fighting with got their revenge)
(Revenge= throwing a snowball up in the air so I looked up and pelting me with 5 more)
We then went for fondue but by then it was dark. The fondue was amazing and I always enjoy speaking with the exchange students and learning about life in other parts of the world.
(Emily from New Mexico and I)
From the restaurant we went to a club and danced. I received even more training but this time from all over the world in the space of 3 hours. I went from Brazil-Ecuador-South Africa (Zeni dances competitively)-Australia-Argentina-Columbia-Mexico and the Australia again. Crazy I know but so much fun and so many laughs.
We then went back to the same restaurant for dessert and sing off. Each country had to sing a song or do a chant. The canadians did Rockstar by Nickleback.
(crazy canadians)
We then kinda went to bed (2 o'clock or 3) and woke up at 7 the next day. We didn't go to the Matterhorn because theres no gondola. So we went on the smaller one. It took us an hour to get up but it was so worth it. Ill let the pictures do the work for me.
Until next time! Keep up to date with my adventures in Switzerland!