Favourite of the Week

Favourite of the Week

Monday, 22 September 2014


This weekend was the best Ive ever had.
All east of switzerland rotary exchange students got together at this beautiful wonderful place
The view you see is Rigi. The mountain is at the start of the Alps and is a wonderful view of the north of Switzerland and the alps. 

As you can see the views were breathtaking. It was really awesome because we got to see it not only once but twice. We got woken up at 5 am and started our hike up the mountain. About half way up it started raining. And then it got harder. And harder. By the time we got to the top we were soaked, tired and pretty fed up with a lot of things. But the main thing is that we couldn't see anything. No view. But then we waited 20 minutes and it cleared.
It was awesome and we took pictures and then headed back down. 2 and a half hours up. One and a half down. We then hung out in the house we had rented for the weekend for a couple hours and played "football".
All in all it was an amazing weekend in Brunnen and on the Rigi. I met 30 new people from different countries all over the world. All of whom I really liked. Rotary is awesome and Switzerland is beautiful.
Keep up with me on more of my adventures in Switzerland.

Friday, 12 September 2014


Hi everyone. Im sorry that I missed my posting last Weekend. Saturday I had a Rotary Meeting that was compulsory, it was 5 hours long and it was just to make sure our first month had been good and that we were okay with schools. They then gave us the sex talk (terribly awkward when being explained in a second language.) When I got home we went out to a fancy Restaurant to celebrate my host dads componay that had just bought a property he had always wanted. The Food was amazing and we talked about a lot of different things. When coffee came around I gladly accepted. We got home and I hit the sack right away so thats why there wasnt a post on here.

Sunday was just a lazy day and I went around town with Franzi. I read and watched a movie. But I never ended up getting around to it.

But I should start with my first day of School! So far its been awesome. The 17 Kids in my class are all my Age and ready to talk in whichever language I want to. (Some days when your tired and just got out of a French class and are listening to swiss german and thinking in english your brain just gives up.) Monday is my hardest day which sucks but all my other days arent too bad. Monday starts early at 7:50 in geography after a boring 45 Minute period I go to Biology which I can actually somewhat understand. After another period I have math which I Zone out everything. Then Music which is good and then physics which is just confusing. Then lunch, finally... I then go to history a double of art which is nice and then german intensive... a double period...

Theyre really weird here about rules. My third day I got up during class to fill up my waterbottle and my teacher flipped out because I didnt ask. But I was using the sink IN the room so I dont really understand why he was mad. Also you cant eat or drink in class, unless its water, but they make you throw it out. My School is very new and very state of the art. Everything is spotless and clean. Everything works and theres no Graffiti. None.

Over all as an Exchange Student you dont do as much as you think you will. You have to find the People to do stuff with otherwise youre on your own. Im going to start a Swiss bucket list and try and get everything on it. Email/Facebook/ twitter me any ideas you might have for my year here. Also add in questions of everyday life and I`ll answer them in a Video.

Keep on following for more adventures in Switzerland!

PS I Need canadian Dessert ideas that I can bring to a Rotary Weekend. Let me know because I cant think of any.