As today is my second week officially I thought I better post something for everyone to see. So far language school has been great. I'm able to hold a conversation with people and improvise words to ask questions. The more I've been talking to the other exchange students the more I've connected with pretty much everyone. The south americans have been slowly sharpening my espagnol and I can now almost follow their conversations. The americans are all very cool, they bring new perspectives of the same culture to me and its very cool. My favourite times these past weeks have been when someone is explaining something from home and nobody has ever heard of that thing. Such as moose for me (actually a really funny story involving a south American who was convinced I was playing a trick on him.). Last saturday I found out that this "Kanoe club" that they have in Romanschorn is actually sprint kayaking. I flipped out and was so excited. My first practice is tonight and Swiss champs are in 3 weeks. Im not sure if they're all amazing or if something was lost in translation because a 13 year old told me he did 1000m in 4:17 (for those who don't kayak he beats my best time ever by 11 seconds). Im mostly hoping I heard wrong because that would be really embarrassing for me.
For a while there was an un explained phenomon with the exchange students from North america. We almost all complained of breaking out pretty bad. It when on all last week until last friday I realized I had been eating way more oil, olive oil, in the cooking and salads. I let everyone know and we all came to the conclusion we have to eat a little bit less. Some fine detective work if I dare say so :)
Anyways stay tuned to hear of my volleyball and kayaking practices, trips and more in my adventures in Switzerland.
Bring back some swiss chocolate.....Please.-Matt.P