This past week I haven't done much. Since all schools are on break for three weeks around this time a lot of people go on vacations. My first of three weeks has been hanging around with my host siblings and hanging out with my oldie (the january inbound from Rotary who has been here longer) Zeni. Zeni is from south africa and is really cool and nice and good friends with my host family. I think its really funny since I'm one of the youngest on exchange but one of the biggest and Zeni is the oldest on exchange and one of the smallest.
This next week I'm going on a trip with my host family through Italy to an Island of France called Korsika. We're leaving today at 5 with Doris, Andi, two of my host sisters Tina and Franzi, my host cousin Daria or as me and Andi call her Durfi (Dumby), and Zeni. Its supposed to be a beautiful week and we're all just going to be beach bums and then come back. Its pretty exciting other than the fact that we have nothing planned and its supposed to rain some of the days. After I have one more week of holiday and then its back to school until Christmas.
Andi and I often go for bike tours of about 20km around Amriswil which normally takes us through forests and a couple towns. Last week we went to find out where my next host family lives (Erlen) which is two more stops away from school on the train. We spent an hour looking around and asked about 4 different people and groups of people where they lived. After being told wrong places 3 times we finally got it right after asking some kids that were biking around their neighbourhood. It looks like a nice house but I didn't have my phone so I don't have pictures. We then got lost on the way back and had to bike across a couple fields to get to the next road. During all this time Andi is quizzing me on what this or that means. I always have fun on our bike rides and I'm thinking of filming one on my GoPro.
Ill upload videos of travelling and the house and everything on my youtube channel next week and make another post. As always stay tuned to my adventures in Switzerland.
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